Wednesday, December 26, 2007

It's been a long time...

I haven't posted in months now, but I think that's it's about time. The fall was crazy for me--my husband and I split up and life has been chaoctic. But maybe it's the coming new year or my own exhaustion but I am starting to yearn for calm. I am sick of the drama, so I am preparing for the upcoming year and the upcoming semester. I have the light at the end of tunnel (graduation) to look forward to. I also I have decided that since I am in a state of flux I might as well roll with it so I have decided that after graduation I am going to move across the country to WA state. I am ready for a change of scenery. I need to be someplace different. As trite as it is, I need a fresh start. I want to be someplace that doesn't remind me of anything at all. I have been sliced open and I need to figure out how to put myself back together again like Humpty Dumpty. But now I am off to work on the thesis so that I can get that degree! There will be more soon, I swear.


mydisguises said...

sounds like a good plan, mona. a change of scenery (on the inside and out) is good for the soul.

Jennifer Sullivan said...

Glad to see your blogging. I hope 2008 is magical for you:)

Jeannine said...

WA State? Well, drop me an e-mail if you're ever out in Port Townsend...