Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf was really onto something when she wrote A Room of One's Own. I have been struggling to find time to write, even think, since the summer began but it is impossible with four kids running around here. Or should I say three, the oldest in is some sort of computer-induced stasis. There are moments in life when nothing seems to make any sense. I am experiencing one of them right now. I feel like an observer. If there were a soundtrack to my life, the song playing right now would be "Once in a Lifetime." In fact, now it is. The problem is that I don't work well with disorder and that's what I am surrounded with right now. I haven't finished unpacking yet from WA and I am going to need to pack for AZ in two weeks. I think I may just leave it and throw in clean underwear. But hey, if you come to see me read at the Oliver House in Bisbee, AZ on July 21st at least you'll know that I have those on! Off to do writing for Craig's class...


Sara said...

As my mother likes to say, "this too shall pass." But really, what writer can't use a little disorder every now and then? Aren't we supposed to be tortured?

See you tonight...hopefully with a new poem in hand!

marybid said...

I hear you on the chaos, Mona. Good luck getting everything the way you want it (I know you will).

jessica said...

My Scottish Grandmother use to always say that even the steepest hills grow weeds. It seems odd, but it's true. Sometimes a weed is enough. Especially in writing a new poem :)

Nin Andrews said...

Been there for sure, Mona. I always wondered how you did it. I still do. I only had 2 kids so what do I know? But one odd fact --it wasn't until the kids arrived, I knew how much I needed to find that time, that room . . .

And anyhow, have fun in AZ!